2.00 € 2.38 € inc. German VAT ( 2.00 € net price) 2.0 EUR
A4 booklet with 15 pages of descriptions and instructions for building wire antennas on Spiderbeam masts. (Vertical / Quad) ONLY AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH!
1.89 € 2.25 € inc. German VAT ( 1.89 € net price) 1.8900000000000001 EUR
Stainless steel hose clamp
for attaching BALUN to vertical antenna mast
1.01 € 1.20 € inc. German VAT ( 1.01 € net price) 1.01 EUR
sold by the meter / 18 AWG / 19 strand
335.29 € 399.00 € inc. German VAT ( 335.29 € net price) 335.29 EUR
kit for building an effective 160m wire vertical with 4 top hats - including 18m fiberglass pole -
116.81 € 139.00 € inc. German VAT ( 116.81 € net price) 116.81 EUR
kit for building an effective 160m wire vertical with 4 top hats - does not include 18m fiberglass pole -
32.77 € 39.00 € inc. German VAT ( 32.77 € net price) 32.77 EUR
for installing wire verticals on our fiberglass poles