Our Spiderbeam Team

To give you an impression of who is behind Spiderbeam, we have a short introduction and a few pictures for you.


Cornelius Paul (DF4SA)

My father taught me to be a radio enthusiast. As a very active young HAM, I travelled a lot in the 1990s and won many contests. During my degree in electrical engineering, I started to develop my own antennas and masts and after graduating in 2000, I founded Spiderbeam and I am also the owner of the limited company. In the meantime, however, I'm on the road so much for business that I unfortunately don't get to do any more radio. Nevertheless, my enthusiasm for it has not diminished, which is why I also like to support special projects and DX-peditions. Because actually I would also like to be part of it...


Raffaello Minuzzi

I have been with the company since 2001, when I was still tinkering around with Cornelius in a small storage room on the top floor of an old factory. Since I already had experience with online shops and have been in the business for a while as a merchant, I have taken on more and more managerial and organisational work over the years. Since the move to our company building in Spremberg, I have been the professional Wolpertinger in the company and manage the operative business. Sorry, I am not a HAM because I already have so many other hobbies. Nevertheless, I am enthusiastic about the world of radio amateurs and their humanistically open-minded way of networking globally.

WB, Customer Support Team

Wolfgang Blau (DK7UY )

I am a qualified electrical engineer, business economist (VWA) - specialising in information management and worked for 30 years as an IT administrator for a large education and health company.
I have been an active radio amateur since 1980 with several DX expeditions to Africa, the South Pacific, the Caribbean, Southeast- and Central Asia.
My main interests: Shortwave, telegraphy and digital modes.
Since 2019, I have been living in beautiful North Friesland with my wife Kerstin, cats and dog.
I have been working for Spiderbeam as a customer consultant in order-processing since the beginning of 2020.

AG, Standortleiter (Spremberg)

Andreas Glaeser (DL9USA)

I knew Cornelius as a friend and as a HAM for many years before we had the idea to work together in 2009. As an electrical engineer and later as the owner of a shop for radio technology, I had shifted my focus more and more to amateur radio and have been on the air almost every day since then. As I was also good at logistics and sales, and we quickly found a good location in my home country, Cornelius moved the company headquarters here to be able to cope with the increasing turnover and shipping with my help. In the meantime, we have grown in Spremberg and I work full time with 2 colleagues here in the company headquarters. When someone buys a prefabricated antenna from us, it is built by my hands.

GG, Lagerist

Georg Glaeser

My father recommended Spiderbeam to me, even though I am not a radio amateur, I feel at home here. Together with my father, I organise our warehouse and shipping.

BM, Service Team

Bert Matthies (DM1BM)

My main job is with a telecommunications company, but I am also a passionate radio amateur (WRTC) and have therefore been working part-time at Spiderbeam since 2020. Here I like to support and advise customers and projects.

MM, Service Team

Monika Minuzzi

I am originally a librarian and came to the company through my husband because I like organizing and managing databases/libraries. With our new shop, I also started working on content and orders. You never stop learning and although I am not an active YL (HAM), the cosmopolitan HAM spirit is something that has always impressed me.

Jakub Werbiwski, Lagerist

Since Spremberg is on the Polish border and I wanted to work in Germany, I found my place at Spiderbeam. I work 4 days a week and ensure the smooth dispatch of the ordered goods.

SEB, Produktion

Sebastian Naciu (DO5PNS)

I am an electrician and have been an enthusiastic radio amateur for decades. Since I still work full time, I can only join Spiderbeam part time. I have a small workshop in my house where I pre-produce the baluns and wire antennas, which we then finish in Spremberg and send out. At the HAMRADIO fair we are always together as a team and have a lot of fun at the stand.

KB, Public Relations

Kerstin Blau

As a trained industrial clerk, I worked for a long time as an export clerk in the automotive industry. Due to the desire to try something completely different in my professional life, I was self-employed in the fashion industry for many years. Although I don't have a radio licence myself, I am no stranger to the hobby of amateur radio - through my husband Wolfgang. I find it exciting how this leads to worldwide contacts and maybe even friendships.
Through Wolfgang, I also came to the company Spiderbeam and since 2021 I have mainly been working in the area of public relations / social media.

And by the way, if you have ever realised great projects with our products, just send us a few photos of them to: pr(at)spiderbeam.com

We will be happy to present your creative ideas - even if they are not directly related to amateur radio - on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Spiderbeam