7.98 €
Preis in €/Meter
9.50 € inc. German VAT ( 7.98 € net price) 7.98 EUR
for measuring the distance between the mast and ground peg with masts below 13m height.
8.40 €
Preis in €/Meter
10.00 € inc. German VAT ( 8.40 € net price) 8.4 EUR
for measuring the distance between the mast and ground peg with masts above 13m height.
0.84 € 1.00 € inc. German VAT ( 0.84 € net price) 0.84 EUR
294.12 € 350.00 € inc. German VAT ( 294.12 € net price) 294.12 EUR
Single piece with slight signs of wear.
for 10m HD, 12.5m & 15m alu-masts (transportation length 1.20m)